Outlook Email Automation

by Matt Mickle on August 24, 2021
Reports that contain a common theme are prevalent in any business. It’s not out of the ordinary for a company to report the same metric to several different organizational levels. This blog post demonstrates how to automate email distribution using VBA.

Reports that contain a common theme are prevalent in any business.  It’s not out of the ordinary for a company to report the same metric to several different organizational levels.  Of course, company organizations have different hierarchies, and thus different email distribution lists.  In order to send out a report to different business channels you may find yourself making a number of email drafts that contain similar content. Sometimes the only difference may be the email recipients.  If this scenario sounds familiar, you can probably benefit from some basic task automation.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could send out your list of reports with the mere click of a button?

If your answer was ‘Yes’, then you’re in the same situation as many working professionals.  You have the desire to accomplish a time consuming or repetitive task so you can use your time doing more important core job responsibilities.  You can use the two code examples below and the example file in order to accomplish this task.


VBA to send a single email:

Sub ExcelNationEmailAutomation()
    Dim objOutApp     As Object
    Dim ObjOutMail    As Object
    On Error Resume Next 'Supress potential errors and continue code execution
    Set objOutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    If objOutApp Is Nothing Then 'Check to see if Outlook is open. objOutApp Is Nothing if Outlook is not open.
        Set objOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Open Outlook if it was not already open
    End If
    Set ObjOutMail = objOutApp.CreateItem(0) 'Create New Outlook Mail Item
    With ObjOutMail
        .To = "" 'This is the To field
        .CC = "" 'This is the Carbon Copy field
        .BCC = "" 'This is the Blind Carbon Copy field
        .Subject = "This is my Excel Nation subject line..." 'This is the email Subject
        .Body = "Some Salutation Here-" & vbNewLine _
                & "This is a new line of text under the salutation..." 'This is the email Body
        .Send 'You can use .Display if you would like to review the email content
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handling

End Sub

VBA to send multiple emails:

Sub ExcelNationEmailAutomationLoop()
    Dim objOutApp     As Object
    Dim ObjOutMail    As Object
    On Error Resume Next 'Supress potential errors and continue code execution
    Lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row 'Define last row based on column B
    Set objOutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    If objOutApp Is Nothing Then 'Check to see if Outlook is open. objOutApp Is Nothing if Outlook is not open.
        Set objOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Open Outlook if it was not already open
    End If
    'Row 4 is the number that the email list starts at
    'so we want to start the loop here for the first email
    'We will continue to loop through the list until we get
    'to the bottom of the list....i.e. Lrow (short for last row)
    For intLp = 4 To Lrow
        Set ObjOutMail = objOutApp.CreateItem(0) 'Create New Outlook Mail Item
        With ObjOutMail
            .To = Cells(intLp, "B") 'This is the To field (Column B)
            .CC = Cells(intLp, "C") 'This is the Carbon Copy field (Column C)
            .BCC = Cells(intLp, "D") 'This is the Blind Carbon Copy field (Column D)
            .Subject = Cells(intLp, "E") 'This is the email Subject
            .Body = Cells(intLp, "F") 'This is the email Body
            .Send 'You can use .Display if you would like to review the email content
        End With
    Next intLp
    On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handling

End Sub

This may not fit your needs exactly, but with a little modification the possibilities grow commensurately.


Email Automation (1)


Example File(s)

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